Wednesday 23 May 2012

Geography project.


I did my project on the IRISH WOLFHOUND as seen in my previous blogpost,    (Blogpost 1)
but when I went to read over my google map once more ,  (Geography Project google map) I decided to add to it.
I Found out that a few of the countries that I had on my map also shared another animal in common. 
The Black Swan. I dont know if anyone else has ever known of them , but I didn't. To me the name was the name of a movie!

So i just wanted to add a little bit more to my map , of two very beautiful animals! 

Few Facts about The Black Swan.
Black swans have black feathers with white flight feathers and a bright red bill. 
They eat only plants and marshland.
the babies of a black swan are grey-ish white .
They started off in Australia.
There is more on the Map , :)

Wednesday 16 May 2012


One thing  i  got the chance to do this year was start choir. Dont get me wrong, im not one for singing in front of people or being on stage but its been so much fun this year. We have sang in the music night , now we are getting ready for the end of year service ,and then next year our aim is to go to wesely.
Wesley is a big competition for soloists and choirs, and WE SHALL BE THERE with one of the FABULOUS french songs from "the chorus" Carresse le ocean . If you know it you will want to be in choir , its so amazing and me and Leah have quite the challenge of teaching the lyrics to the choir , who majority of do Spanish..

But still , ive loved being in choir and will finish school in choir , allot more confident about singing , and its so much fun :)

Tuesday 15 May 2012

five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes.

For our TY night song , we chose "seasons of love from Rent. There are so many high parts and we have had great laughs listening to all the classes attempt them!
Its getting so close to the end of Ty, but this week I'm to busy to get upset ! We have an English, maths, and french exam and we have an Irish oral.  Doesn't sound like much if your in 3rd year but after having all projects tests are like being back in 1rst year! the pressure is on to show how much we paid attention! I'm sure we will be grand.. just need to get back into the hang of study!
TY night is in 2 weeks, and its going to be a great night for everyone hopefully! We have a good theme, great performances and of course, the giving out of the FABULOUS TY hoodies! Me and Caitriona took weeks collecting money, and taking surveys to make sure everyone was so what happy and they finally arrived! We are happy with them and we hope that everyone else is after all the hype!

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Its coming so close to the end of TY and its hard to think about it. Its been so incredible. But we cant be getting to sad because for our last month we too have tests , projects and TY night! TY night is where we showcase what we have done all year to our parents. We put up all projects and fun work , and people tell the audience exactly what we have been doing this year.
Its gonna be a long night because we have done so much! and any parent out there who taught we were "dossing off" for the year will be very much mistaken! 
coming up to it ( its a month away) we all have to organise things. people are on different subjects and have to plan how they want everything displayed on the night. They will also be there to show parents.. i think.
It really is just one giant group project! we all have to pull our weight to get the night to be successful, we have to make it look good!
Also me and caitriona are getting so excited about the hoodies we have organised for the students and teachers. they will be ready so soon! hopefully they are what people are expecting!
Each and every TY is up to their eyes in work and projects .. and we have tests earlier too so its going to be hectic!