Wednesday 23 May 2012

Geography project.


I did my project on the IRISH WOLFHOUND as seen in my previous blogpost,    (Blogpost 1)
but when I went to read over my google map once more ,  (Geography Project google map) I decided to add to it.
I Found out that a few of the countries that I had on my map also shared another animal in common. 
The Black Swan. I dont know if anyone else has ever known of them , but I didn't. To me the name was the name of a movie!

So i just wanted to add a little bit more to my map , of two very beautiful animals! 

Few Facts about The Black Swan.
Black swans have black feathers with white flight feathers and a bright red bill. 
They eat only plants and marshland.
the babies of a black swan are grey-ish white .
They started off in Australia.
There is more on the Map , :)

1 comment:

  1. Well done Martha for putting your interesting information on a Google map.

    Have a good summer.
    Mrs L :)
