Tuesday 13 March 2012

Braveforce.. DUNDUNDUN

Tomorrow Most of the TYs, as it is optional.. will be facing BRAVEFORCE ! it looks really tough but it should be fun. Basically its a race but me being sick , im not sure if ill be running the whole way! We dont get showers , we get "hosed down" and get changed with other schools , it will be hilarious.!

Today we got our forms for our subject choices, and to be honest it made me really happy about TY  ( not that i was EVER upset with it) just the fact that we got this extra time to explore all subjects and think about what we are good at and what job we want  to aim for is amazing. I know now exactly the path I want to choose, and i was able to fill out my form straight away. Things are abit different this year , we dont choose 1,2, and 3, we just had to pick one on each row of subjects , and make sure they dont clash, lucky for me , my 3 subjects dont! :)
Im so happy because i was terrified that they would clash on the timetable , but i got very lucky!

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